Does your business register with the U.S. Federal Government System for Award Management (SAM)? If so, this message is for you!
Everyone agrees that a reminder for your business is helpful. That said, misleading reminders are not. So please be aware that third-parties sometimes send emails to make you believe you need to pay for your SAM renewal. These emails are often confusing by design. As a result, recipients may believe they are coming directly from the Federal Government. However, the truth is that you can register or renew, and update with SAM for free on the website.
Don’t be fooled into paying a fee by being aware of these deceptive emails. You do not have to pay for renewing registration with the System for Award Management.
As always, we are here to help. Please reach out to us with any questions. We never charge you to talk. Regardless if you are a customer yet, or not.